Saturday, 3 March 2012

Muet was over~

FINALLY...MUET was over
but i still feel very unhappy!!
my writting is suck! my listening very suck!!
I cant believe this such essay is written by a pre-u student (meT.T)
i think the pmr students can writter better than me

OMG!!because i waste too much time in question 1~
just left half and hour for me to do the Q2
i support not to do that~why i so stupid!!

And listening~speechlessssssss.....
everyone said that they can hear very clearly,
BUT!!i cant hear anything
i get nothing and my paper was blank~
i try to copy other ppl answer
fail.... the examiner looking at me
in the end i just simply write something in my paper~
after the exam,i felt want to cryT.T

I wondering that can i get band 3 in this exam?
I think i may retake the exam
although teacher said Band 3 easily to get as long as you write smtg
but i dont satisfied about my writting,my listening and also speaking
I admit that i didnt put much effort this time
so....i wan to try again
even though next time will get band 3 also
i dont mind
at least i give a chance for myself
to prove  that I CAN DO IT!!!

MUET was over,month test coming soon
have to work hard~
start from today,
just only for EKO,PP AND AKAUN!!

By the way
Announcement here!!
Famine 30 has confirmed the date!!
is 4&5 august~woohoo!!
this year's theme is "你我童行,饥饿不再"
NO more hunger~
yeah~let rock this year!!

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